Saturday 29 August 2009

I wish I had thought of this (mark one)

So, I just started knitting. Well, rather trying to knit. It's not going quite as rapidly as anticipated (I blame it on knitting being unfriendly to left-handers) but I am getting there slowly but surely. I am determined to have knitted a jumper by Christmas as a hard earned gift to myself. Anyway, I digress. I found this company online 'Wool and the Gang' which is a real incentive to start making stuff. Basically you choose what exactly you want to knit from their collection online (whether it be a jumper/hat/bag, whatever), you choose the colour, and then they send you the wool, needles, pattern, sewing needle and a customisation kit. Clever indeed (oh and for those too lazy to bother knitting, but want to look like they aren't, there are finished products ready to buy). It is nice to see knitting not looking so naff. Not that that ever stopped me...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is amazing! Where did you find it? Maybe I'll give up on design and start knitting things instead. When I become famous due to this - you can sell that weird stripey thing I made as my first piece of knitting. It will be worth millions! Or maybe not. x